CBS (Cocoa Butter Substitute) is an affordable alternative to expensive cocoa butter in all its uses, including confectionery and chocolate making.
Although nutritionists believe that CBS may be more harmful than cocoa butter, here are 5 reasons why CBS substitutes for cocoa butter can be helpful.
Reasons to Switch to CBS
CBS based on “lauric acid” is made from tropical oils and therefore contains the least amount of trans fatty acids. Thus the use of CBS in ice cream, chocolate, and other related comestibles, reduces the amount of these harmful isomers in the final product. This is important both for health and compliance with international standards.
Lauric based cocoa butter substitute, crystallize immediately in a stable form and therefore, does not require a complicated tempering or crystallization process. At the same time, CBS provides a “chocolate” structure, taste, aroma, and glaze.
CBS gives the chocolate a nice glaze, resistance to fat bloom – which means it can be used in products with long shelf life. The chocolate-based on CBS is resistant to oxidation and does not give a soapy taste during storage.
Cocoa butter substitute has properties similar to cocoa butter. Due to the optimal melting curve, finished products based on CBS, mimic cocoa butter melting sensations in the mouth.
Cocoa butter substitute based on lauric acid is especially appreciated because its glaze remains stable during the hot summer. This allows you to use it in the hot seasons for the manufacture of chocolate, ice cream, chocolate bars, and so on.
The semi-finished products based on CBS, show high resistance to fat migration. Thanks to this, the products are suitable for molding glazed confectionery products. These glazed products melt well in the mouth and do not leave a feeling of greasy. Like cocoa butter, chocolate made using cocoa butter substitute is hard, with a glossy surface and when it is chopped, it has the properties of chopped chocolate made by real cocoa butter.
Reasons to Switch to CBS
Latamarko CBS (Cocoa Butter Substitute), an alternative to cocoa butter
“Latamarko” is a successful Turkish company in the field of the food industry. One of the company’s products is a cocoa butter substitute. Latamarko CBS is made from palm oil, which is one of the most commonly used oils for this purpose. Lotamarko product quality certifications are testaments to the high quality of these products, including CBS. Latamarko cocoa butter substitute is exported to all parts of the world. We suggest you don’t miss the experience of using our CBS.
Contact our experts for more information about our Cocoa Butter Substitute as well as knowing its competitive prices.
The Nutritional Facts of Alkalized Cocoa Powder
Low cocoa butter substitute price, makes chocolate
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