Export of cocoa powder to Egypt, a way to bring Cairo and Istanbul commercially closer
Compared to some commodities such as wheat, corn, rice and other strategic merchandise, cocoa is one of the most important one in the local Egyptian market due to its limited industrial use. According to statistical reports, chocolate imported to Egypt from January to November 2017 amounted to 8,195,489 million kg. Egypt’s central agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics said in a statement that the export of cocoa powder to Egypt from all over the world is about 29,027,000 kilograms. Of course, chocolate consumption in Egypt is lower than in some Arab countries and is limited to about 500 grams per person per year. While in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait this amount reaches 3 kg and in the UK 12 kg per person per year. Due to the above, currently the export of cocoa powder to Egypt has a good market. Latamarko is one of the Turkish companies that has a high capacity for export of cocoa powder to Egypt and other countries in the region.
Cocoa is the tree that has been grown in the tropics of South America since 4000 BC
Cocoa is the tree that has been grown in the tropics of South America since 4000 BC. This tree is distinguished by its broad leaves and grows up to a height of seven and a half meters. Cocoa beans are very similar to almonds. The cocoa tree was discovered several thousand years ago by the Maya and Aztec peoples of North and Central America. To produce cocoa drinks, these people pressed and crushed the cocoa beans. It is noteworthy that the drink was not sweet at that time, but they added spices to it to add some flavor to the drink. Through the Spanish conquest of Mexico in 1520, the Spaniards found what was not intended (cocoa). The Spaniards transported cocoa beans to Europe and enslaved the Mexicans so that they could change the taste of cocoa drink and that’s the beginning of “cocoa” story in other parts of the world.
Although South America is the main habitat of the cocoa tree, it has been relocated to other tropical regions of Africa and Asia during the time. Ivory Coast in Africa is currently at the top of the list of cocoa producers. Latamarko buys the cocoa beans it needs to produce cocoa powder from Ivory Coast and Ecuador. These beans are of high quality and also they are organic.
Export of cocoa powder to Egypt by Turkish company Latamarko
After purchasing organic cocoa beans from Ivory Coast and Ecuador, the cocoa powder is made in a complex process at the Latamarco plant. This cocoa powder is produced in two types: natural (without process) and alkalized (processed). Alkalized cocoa powder is produced in three types: brown, dark brown and reddish brown. Currently, the export of cocoa powder to Egypt is one of the goals of Latamarko. Despite the high quality, Latamarko prices are very competitive. The products of this brand have high quality certifications and are also “HALAL”.
Contact our experts for more information on export of cocoa powder to Egypt
Export of cocoa powder to Egypt, from Turkey
best Cocoa powder for making Chocolate and its benefits!
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